LGI Forensic Engineering, P.C. is pleased to announce that our Engineering and Laboratory Director, Rob Berryman, P.E., CFEI, has passed the requirements and certification exam given by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and is now a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS).
The CFPS is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated a level of professionalism through applied work experience, related education opportunities, and successful completion of a certification examination. This group of professionals includes risk managers, loss control specialists, fire officers, fire marshals, fire inspectors, safety managers, fire protection consultants, designers, engineers, code enforcers, facility managers and others who have responsibilities dealing with the application of fire safety, protection, prevention, and suppression technologies.
Congratulations on becoming one of the privileged few to earn the CFPS designation and we know you will put it to good use in your daily assignments and when managing others. Kudos Rob!